Wednesday, August 26, 2009

.:true calling:.

the jury is still out on rather the album is hot or not.


  1. I was fortunate to first hear Whitney's entire CD this past Sunday, (and have listened to it a few times since then) and must say that it IS NOT a comeback CD. I love Whitney, but, given her low register, her company should have been more careful and strategic in the song selection. Some songs she clearly strains or has to many "runs" to try to cover up vocal shortcomings. There are 11 tracks, and my top tracks are: Million Dollar Bill, Like I Never Left, I Look To You, and I Didn't Know My Own Strength. I Got You isn't too bad either, but she should not have covered A Song For You. It sounds a hot mess - like a drunkard singing at karaoke night. Nevertheless, I commend her on her efforts and not dropping out of the game. I also feel that Akon should have written more than two songs on the CD. Whitney's vocals on his tracks sound more natural and compatible for her current range. Best of Luck in making #1 Whitney.

  2. low register? i thought whitney can belt way better than beyonce? no? and it thought she can hit high notes too. u liar.

  3. this is actually the ONLY song i like from the album.

  4. wait a minute who else sings this song rhymes? this is not her song i forgot isnt this also sung by some guy? lol whitney stole some dudes song.

  5. and btw the guy who sings this sounds better than whitney sorry. whitney sucks in this song. i like it by the guy version better.

  6. jonta austin wrote and produced this track. i do perfer his version but i think whitney holds her own. other than million dollar bill, this is the only tune i like from the album. i agree with comments made.
