Sunday, December 28, 2008

.:one year here!:.

when i was a teenager (centuries ago) i'd make mixtapes for my friends. in my twenties i graduates to making mix cds. then when i turned 30, i started managing the ipods of my friends. it was only inevitable that i would start a blog. last year on sunday, december 30th i created this here humble blog and hoped that people would check it out. it is now an entire year later and many readers have stop by to share their thoughts, opinions and music. readers like carlos berrios, glenn gutierrez, rupaul and you! for this i say thanks! sharing music has always been one of my fave hobbies. music is my savior and i kinda just like spreading the good word. here's to another year!

1 comment:

  1. Amo la Musica de Tu Blog. Siempre Lo visito y bajo algo...

    Me gusta...
