Friday, September 26, 2008

.:brand new woman:. UPDATED!

i originally posted the original mix. here is a cool dance mix. what cha think now?

.:womanizer [sam's escape radio edit]:.


  1. Wow, this could've just been on the Blackout album. I love her but i was expecting something different from blackout. The track is hott though!!!

  2. I wasnt sold until I heard the Chorus....Im definently buying the album 4th Quarter 08/09 music really has me excited....

  3. Not a bad track, catchy beat/chorus...HOWEVER...this is not a strong departure from the material she put out on Blackout. As Rob stated, this could've blended in that album. She should've opted for a completely different sound to set her apart from her whacked-out phase...but who knows, it's too early to determine what all this album has to offer. I look forward to a real comeback, though. Love Brit!

  4. Love it her video is rumored to premiere on Monday after The Hills on MTV
