Friday, February 5, 2010


okay, i know that i cannot be the only one who remembers menudo. i also know that i am not the only grown & sexy neighbor who loved this song. in 1984, i thought this was the most beautiful song in the world. as a young puerto rican boy who loved neon colors and tights (see video) and dreamed of being a solid gold dancer, there weren't many latino artists i could look up to other than menudo. there was debarge but they weren't latino, they just had the look. so if you remember this song, please comment. let me know that i am not alone. if you have never heard this tune, give it a try, the hook is pretty killer.


  1. Hello Louis - Of course I remember this enduring classic by Menudo. It is one of those brilliant pop love songs from the brilliant 80s, amongst the evergreens like Time After Time, Desert Moon and the like. I used to request this song (among many other hits then) to be played in the early morning right after 6 am on our cable radio network station here in Singapore before dashing out of the house for school at 6.15 am to catch the bus. Back then, life was a lot simpler and listening to music was the main activity that kept me well behaved. Thanks for this upload - it brought a smile back. Cheers! ~ Chwee (Singapore)

  2. Yeah your not the only one (NYC)
