Monday, September 7, 2009

.:girl fight:.

saw this song posted on other blogs and because it received some rather harsh reviews, i did not give it a try. well today, i decided to see just how bad it was and to my surprise i liked it. i think this is a solid tune. what are your thoughts?


  1. I heard the track and not bad. Her vocals could use some work but you can tell there is a power house voice waiting to come out in this chick. Ultimately what made the song great was the words, its a great message and very real.

  2. I think this girl has a shot at the big time, she is defintly hot and with some singing lessons i think she could be a great vocalist.

  3. I don't think it's amazing but I like it. I'm anxious to hear what the rest of the album sounds like. What I am amazed at is just how bronzed she is in that picture you chose. She for real looks mixed! Where did you get that picture? :)
