Monday, August 31, 2009

.:i live for her!:.

i loved this tune when megan rochelle recorded it for her now shelved debut album and because i love anything miss brandy sings, i am feelin' this.
this tune leaked a while ago but johnta austin was on vocals. brandy holds her own. go 'head girl!


  1. i knew i heard this before-megan rochelle previously recooreded this song-not sure if its still on the net but if youd like i can send-just to do a lil fun comparison-but hey-i love anything brandy does!!!!!!!!!

  2. Do you have Megan`s version ?? If yes could you upload it please ??? I didn`t found it anyware

    And thanks for your work ...

  3. whoa brandy's version is a million times bettter than gay rochellelys version
